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Susan Longo,


Dr. Susan Longo looks through a microscope

Dr. Longo purchased the Annapolis Cat Hospital in May of 1993 and opened the Bay Ridge Animal Hospital in April of 1994.  Having the opportunity to make a possitive difference in the life of both her patients and clients is a huge part of being a doctor of veterinary medicine, and something she strives to accomplish everyday.

In her off time, Dr. Longo enjoys gardening, baking, reading and home improvement.  She lives in Edgewater with her husband and two children. They share their home with two Doberman Pinschers, Raquel (Rocky) and Bones (who she rescued while living in Africa and brought back to MD for knee surgery) and three cats, Comet, Capone and Carley.


*University of Memphis
Bachelor of Science

*University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

*Areas of Interest: Feline Medicine, skin and ear disease

Elizabeth Wozniak,


Dr. Elizabeth Wozniak poses for a photo

Dr. Wozniak joined our team in October of 1999. She is passionate about veterinary care and truly enjoys watching her patients grow.

In her spare time she enjoys gardening, reading, photography and recenty resumed knitting.  She shares her home with many animal companions including her cats Bennie, Lucy, Junior, Frankie, Maurice, Howard, Bindi and her loving pooch, Mitzie.


* State University of New York at Binghamton
Bachelor of Arts - Biology

* State University of New York at Binghamton
Bachelor of Arts - Anthropology

* Michigan State University
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

* Area of interest: Feline medicine

Sabrina Ngwira,


Dr. Ngwira  is our new full time doctor (as of June 2017), and we are so excited to have her as part of our team!

In her spare time, Dr. Ngwira enjoys weight lifting and hair styling.

Dr. Ngwira shares her home with Casper, an adorable 9 year old flame-point Siamese who Dr. Ngwira has had since he was 5 weeks old and became her study buddy/partner in crime throughout college and vet school; and a second cat, Nalia (1 year old DSH) who is a rescued barn cat that thinks she's a dog.


*Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine

Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine (Graduate class of 2017)


*Virginia Tech

Bachelor of Biological Sciences and Bachelor of Animal & Poultry Sciences


Copyright 2022, No animals were harmed in the making

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Annapolis Cat Hospital

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2244-48 Bay Ridge Ave
Annapolis, MD 21403


8:00 AM - 7:00 PM

Monday - Friday

Phone:  410-268-2287
Fax:  410-268-6887

8:00 AM - 1:00 PM






8:30 AM - 6:30 PM

Monday - Friday

8:30 AM - 12:30 PM


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